jueves, 27 de enero de 2011



You may read the last entry to remember what QUICK AND DEEP questions are!!!!

You may write in ENGLISH or SPANISH

The Power of Question involves two kind of questions: quick questions and deep questions.

* The quick questions are those which answers are found in the story or picture.
Example: What kind of clothes Alice was wearing when she went out from her house?
Answer: 1. Long underwear, thermal top, thick socks, etc.

* The deep questions are the ones which answers are found within ourselves. There is no correct answer for these questions because the answers involves personal experience and opinions and help us go beyond the story.

After reading Inanimate Alice Chapter 3 ( http://inanimatealice.com/episode2) I came up with two deep questions that I would like to share with you.

1. What would have happened if Alice wouldn't have been alone while her parents were out?
I think that Alice wouldn't have worried so much and she would have stayed home instead of risking herself by going out during the snowstorm.

2. What would have happened if Alice wouldn't have heard Brad's voice in her head during the snowstorm?
In my opinion, Alice wouldn't have been calm and she wouldn't have heard her parents coming back to help her.

As you can see, I'm answering according to my particular point of view. That's why we can find different answers to deep questions.

Now is your turn. Write two deep questions about the story and share your answers.

Enjoy this experience!!

Que los niños lean a cualquier precio, claman los escritores Toño Malpica, Jaime Alfonso Sandoval y Francisco Hinojosa - La Crónica de Hoy / Jueves 27 de Enero, 2011

Que los niños lean a cualquier precio, claman los escritores Toño Malpica, Jaime Alfonso Sandoval y Francisco Hinojosa - La Crónica de Hoy / Jueves 27 de Enero, 2011

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011


 Inanimate Alice- Reading Power - Questioning (deep) 

We are happy to work with you! Please read, listen and watch this story

http://inanimatealice.com/episode2/index.html, YOU CAN ALSO FIND THE STORY IN

www.julesverneschool.edu.mx   LITERATURE     TRANSMEDIA

Hello kids, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts regarding Alice Inanimate. It is really important to have in mind that we have two type of questions, which are fast and deep questions.

We shall be working with Alice's wonderful trip in Italy which is Chapter 2. Take some minutes of your time and read it, just for you to remember you have to enter julesverneschool.edu.mx. and you can read it there.

A fast question is:

Where is Alice? Alice is in Italy

How many sofas are in the living room? There are two sofas

These are fast questions because you find the answers in the text.

A deep question is:

What would I have felt if at the age of 10 I would have lost my parents? I had a feeling of panic because I think my life would have been really different. Also I thought poor little girl, what happened to her parents.

What would have happened if Ayisha was not in her house when Alice phoned her? I think that Alice would have tried to call some one else, probably her best friend.

In a deep question the answer is not written down on the text, you have to question yourself and answer it by yourself.

Now it is your turn to share with me a fast question and deep question for this chapter

Reading Ahead Journal

Reading Ahead Journal